Pupils are engaged in the Curriculum for Excellence and will experience the key outcomes in the areas of Health and well-being, Numeracy and Literacy and also Dance in Expressive Arts.
Activities that make up the Physical Education Curriculum are Gymnastics, Dance, Football, Rugby, Hockey, Athletics, Fitness, Social Dance, Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, minor indoor team games, Lacrosse, Table Tennis and Orienteering.
The main experiences and outcomes from the framework of the Curriculum for Excellence that relate directly to the Physical Education Curriculum in Bearsden Academy are HWB 21a, HWB 22a, HWB 23a, HWB 24a, HWB 25a, HWB 27a, Lit. 3-06a, Lit.3-09a, Lit. 3-26a, Lit. 3-28a and NMu. 3-04a.
Our main aim is to improve the pupils expertise within a variety of practical skills, encourage pupils to be responsible for their own personal health and well-being and create experiences for pupils to gain confidence and a positive feeling about respecting themselves and all others. Many of the experiences will come through practice and play. Working in pairs, small groups and teams will encourage more social interaction and hopefully generate improvement in problem-solving tasks and communication skills.
The BGE course is designed to challenge the pupils in physical competencies, cognitive skills, personal fitness and gain personal qualities and for pupils to apply themselves by responding positively.
Each pupil will cover ten different activities per session. This will create a broad variety of skills and stimulate thinking. In S3, where possible we would like to build on the success of previous years and offer a choice of activities , where pupils have a say in designing their own Physical Education curriculum.
Within the significant aspects of learning, each pupil will experience the fitness areas of stamina, speed, core stability, strength and flexibility. Through activity, pupils will gain confidence, self-esteem, motivation, determination, resilience, responsibility, leadership, respect, tolerance and communication. Cognitive skills such as decision making, concentration and focus, problem solving and being creative and self- discipline will be to the fore. In physical skills, qualities gained will be body balance, controlling actions, rhythm, timing, co-ordination, kinaesthetic awareness and gross and fine motor skills.
Finally, we cannot forget the most important ingredient .....Enjoyment!

The significant aspects of learning are what we focus on through our activities in the BGE. Through different practical activities we aim to develop our young peoples' skills across all 4 domains.