National PE


The P.E. department are offering a new exciting National certificate course for pupils in S4. Pupils will engage in a range of physical activities and also gain knowledge and understanding of four key factors that bring about success in performing in skills and games. In the Performance unit, the pupils will enhance their practical ability, decision making skills, social skills, improve self-confidence and team-work. The Factors Impacting on Performance unit integrates with the practical work forms the theory behind the performance. The course will consist of two units;

  • Performance – based on practical work in selected activities and is worth an overall 60%

  • Factors Impacting on Performance – examining the 4 key factors that affect Performance. (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Social Factors.) This unit is worth 40% of the overall total.


* staff/pupils will negotiate activities. The following activities can be considered;

Badminton, Basketball, Netball, Volleyball, Handball, Football, Hockey, Trampolining, Dance, Table Tennis, Gymnastics.


The regular setting of homework is an essential component of the Physical Education Department’s programme of work in the new National courses. Homework tasks are directly related to course Workbook that forms an internal assessment.


All pupils on the course require to gain an internal unit pass on their Workbook.The standard and quality of the pupil Workbook may determine if the pupil is presented at National 4 or National 5 level. Pupils presented at National 5 level will complete a Portfolio that is externally marked by the SQA. Pupils at National 4 level will not have a Portfolio in their course, but will work on achieving an Added Value unit. There is no formal SQA exam in May/June for National 4 or National 5 Physical Education. As previously stated, pupils select the activity they wish to be assessed in for their Performance mark. A pupil with high practical ability in an activity out-with the activities on the course may achieve recognition for this under the criteria laid down by the SQA.


Pupils will be expected to provide regular changes of P.E. kit. Kit should be appropriate to the activity, the working environment and weather conditions. Pupils will have four periods of National level P.E. and also two periods of core P.E., making this six in total. There are demands on kit management. On some days, pupils will have P.E. twice in the P.E. department. Expectations for continuous progress in learning means that you are expected to bring kit on every practical period of the course.

Pupils will be supplied with the latest publications of course notes that supplement the ‘Factors’ unit. Also, linked to practical activities will be booklets that all pupils will work through to assist with learning the various concepts that can be a help with questions/answers in their Workbooks and Portfolio.


Higher (National 6 ) P.E., Sports Leadership award (S5/6), Sports Coaching degree/ HND, Sports Science degree, Fitness Industry, P.E. Teaching, Outdoor Education work/degree, Police, Royal Navy, Army, RAF, Physiotherapy.


The practical assessment on the National 5 courses comprises of 2 practical performances in activity the pupils' choice. As a school, we are open to any activity which can be performed to a high standard.


The Portfolio is marked out of 60 and is worth 50% of your overall mark. The portfolio is split into 3 sections: Factors impacting performance - Planning, developing and implementing a PDP - Monitoring, recording and evaluating a PDP.


These are some of the key resources we use on the course. It also includes the link to the Google Classrooms which contain all the work which has been completed so far, including all powerpoints used with lessons.